Contact iProppant

iProppant team members appreciate every opportunity to communicate with you. If your inquiry is urgent, please call us at one of the numbers shown at the top of this page. Otherwise, your request or question will be assigned to a product or service specialist most suited to assist you, and you will in turn hear from us shortly — normally within 24 hours from the time your inquiry was placed.

  • Myth 1: Proppant deals are difficult!

    Truth: iProppant deals are faster, smoother, and less expensive.

    Well Authority™ got you covered worldwide!

  • Myth 2: good proppant is expensive!

    Truth: iProppant product family is successful BECAUSE it offers better value than other leading brands.

    Well Authority™ is ready for your next project!
  • Meet "the black caviar" of proppants!

    The iProppant Product Family includes ISO/OSHA certified in-house high-strength products as well as top worldwide brands customized to your specifications.

    We are both a manufacturer and a distributor!
  • Working with demanding clients is our specialty...

    ...because we are very good at what we do. Try us, and then brag about your success to your business partners.

    Rely on iProppant in your next fracking project!